printmaking 200cm*350cm 2017 Every second of life is going to go through. The second of the day you, me, she are experiencing now, we have also experienced the same time in every day we lived. In this work, I use the seconds as unit, 24 hours as a cycle, to records and reminds the past, present and future by printing every second of a day. This day could be anyday of anyone.

printmaking 200cm*350cm 2017 Every second of life is going to go through. The second of the day you, me, she are experiencing now, we have also experienced the same time in every day we lived. In this work, I use the seconds as unit, 24 hours as a cycle, to records and reminds the past, present and future by printing every second of a day. This day could be anyday of anyone.

printmaking 200cm*350cm 2017 Every second of life is going to go through. The second of the day you, me, she are experiencing now, we have also experienced the same time in every day we lived. In this work, I use the seconds as unit, 24 hours as a cycle, to records and reminds the past, present and future by printing every second of a day. This day could be anyday of anyone.